America 101: Why Do We Vote on the First Tuesday? | History
Election Day - Why Do We Vote on Tuesdays?⎢Civics in a Minute⎢TakePart TV
Why do we vote on the first Tuesday of November?
Why do Americans vote on Tuesdays?
Why in the Heck Do Americans Vote on a Tuesday???
Why do we vote on a Tuesday in November? 'The Why' has your Election Day history lesson
Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November? | Election 2016 with David Eisenbach | History
Why Do We Vote on Tuesdays? | NBCLX
Why Does The U.S. Vote On Tuesdays?
Why Do We Vote on Tuesdays?
Why do we vote on Tuesday?
Why do Americans vote on a Tuesday?
Why do we vote on the first Tuesday? | America 101
What you need to know when you go to vote in Tuesday’s primary election
Why does the US vote for president on Tuesdays? | US Elections 2016
Planning to vote Tuesday? Here's what you need to know
What to know before you go vote in person on Tuesday
The Youth Vote and Why Election Day is Tuesday - After The Cut | The Daily Show
What it means to vote yes on Ohio Issue 1: Legally Speaking
Want to Vote Tuesday on the Issues that Matter to You? Here's the Guide You Need