Thank You For Your Service (A Moment of Truth)
The importance of saying "thank you" to a military veteran
Vietnam veteran, wife remember hardships as he is celebrated on Veterans Day
VA Secretary: "Thank a Vietnam Veteran and Welcome Them Home"
"Thank you for your service" What the phrase means to local vets
Thank a veteran on this Veterans Day
News Channel 11 to air Honor Flight of Appalachian Highlands special
Coffee With A Veteran: Vietnam Vet Shares His Story
How to say thank you to a veteran
What do U.S. Veterans mean to you? A U.S. Military Veteran tribute by
This Vietnam veteran reflects on his service on National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Veteran reflects during National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Veterans Voices: Vietnam veteran working to help fellow vets
Vietnam veteran who started 'Ride to Remember' reflects on his time in the military
Vietnam Veteran tells the story of the four friends he lost
WWII Veteran Attacks Anti-Trump Protesters at Parade | NowThis
Veterans visit DC Vietnam War memorial, reflect on Veteran's Day
Vietnam veterans react to veteran's day
Saying goodbye to another Vietnam Veteran
Vietnam Veteran Thank You