What does short fuse mean?
idioms 101 - a short fuse
Understanding "Having a Short Fuse"
Short fuse Meaning
Understanding "A Short Fuse" - English Idioms Explained
Understanding the Phrase "A Short Fuse"
To Have a Short Fuse (English Idiom Meaning)
Understanding the Phrase "Have a Short Fuse"
Exploding Myths: Understanding the Phrase "Short Fuse"
Learn an English idiom: have a short fuse. Remember it in 2 minutes!
Does your kid have a short fuse
What is Short to ground, What is Open Circuit, how fuse works, Short to ground explained
Understanding the Phrase "On a Short Fuse"
How to handle your short fuse
Understanding "Being on a Short Fuse"
Two-Minute Wonder: Short Fuse