What does trade name mean?
Trade name vs. trademark
Doing Business As: Using a DBA or Trade Name with Your LLC
Company NAME & Trading NAME
Brand Name VS Business Name VS Trade Name in Canada
Trade name Meaning
HOW TO NAME YOUR COMPANY (get the best Trademark!)
Should I Trademark My Logo or My Business Name?
fulfilling a bulk pottery order for a business - whole process, from clay to mug!
Can My LLC Name Be Different From My Business Name
How to Choose a Name for Your Business
How To Trademark Your Business Name & Logo
How to create a great brand name | Jonathan Bell
Protecting Your Business Name - LLC, DBA, or Trademark?
How a Business Name Affects Your Brain: Naming Your Business or Brand: 5 Minutes with Louise Karch
How To Choose a Name for Your Business, Startup, Brand, Product
How to Choose an LLC Name: Ideas, Examples and Warnings
Trademarking a Name - When Should You File for Trademark Registration?
Trademark, Copyright, or Business Name
What is a DBA? (Doing Business As)