What is Industrial Ecology?
Marian Chertow – What is Industrial Ecology?
Industrial Ecologist interview questions
Ecologist Explains Her Job
The Secret Life of an Industrial Ecologist
Introduction to Industrial Ecology
Introduction to Industrial Ecology: definition and glossary (Golinucci)
General Programme Presentation Industrial Ecology MSc- by programme director Stefano Cucurachi
Urban and Industrial Metabolisms: Eva Gladek at TEDxWageningen
Global ecologist discusses the rapid decline in biodiversity and how it relates to human population.
Russian applicants gaining interest in “industrial ecologist”
10 Insights from Industrial Ecology for the Circular Economy
Socio-Metabolic Regimes and Transitions Between Them - Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Industrial Ecology in Integrated Assessment Models
Industrial Ecology MSc Masterweek Leiden University March 2022
A short introduction to Industrial Ecology MSc - by a current student
What is Sustainability
Antti Peltomäki-Industrial Ecology: Science, the Environment and the Circular Economy
What ecology can teach us about sustainable design | Callie Babbitt | TEDxFlourCity