How does anesthesia work? - Steven Zheng
Why anesthesia for children is so different
How does Anesthesia work? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Explaining Anaesthesia to Children
Numb and Numb-er (what is a local anaesthetic)
Is General Anesthesia Safe for Kids?
FDA: Anesthesia Can Be Harmful to Children's Brains
Your Child's General Anaesthetic - Magic Milk and Squidgy Masks
Regional Anesthesia VS General Anesthesia for the Management of Difficult Airway
Children At Risk: Kids And Sedation At The Dentist’s Office | NBC News
Pediatric Anesthesia at Children's Mercy
Does Anesthesia affect the learning abilities in children?
What did people do before anesthesia? - Sally Frampton
Anesthesia - First With Kids - UVM Children's Hospital
Preparing for Pediatric Surgery Guide -Top 10 Things Kids Need to Know About Surgery
How do I prepare my child for a General Anaesthetic
3 things you DON'T KNOW happen to YOUR BODY under anesthesia (and HACKS TO FIX in 2023!)
Explanation about sedation in UMC Utrecht
Meet Nish, an anaesthetist
Anesthesia and Surgery in Children: Reducing Pain, Fear and Anxiety