Revised Penal Code (RPC) Arbitrary Detention, Illegal Detention, Unlawful Arrest
What does the UDHR say about Arbitrary Arrest, Detention and Exile? Article 9
WCLN - Detention and Arrest
Arbitrary Detention; Delay in the Delivery of Detained Persons; Delaying Release; Expulsion
Arbitrary v Illegal Detention
Arbitrary Detention: Cases That Should Have Gone to the Supreme Court of Canada, But Didn’t!
[Article 124] Arbitrary Detention; Criminal Law Discussion
arbitrary arrest and detention preventive detention meaning of preventive detention
[Article 125] Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities
WCLN - Arrest & Detention
Arbitrary Arrest, Detention And Exile
[Article 267] Kidnapping and serious illegal detention: Criminal Law Discussion
What Does "Unlawfully Detained" Mean
Ukraine - Secret Detentions
UN panel rules Assange "detained arbitrarily": BBC
UN Panel Says WikiLeaks Founder 'Arbitrarily Detained'
Australian CGTN News Anchor, Cheng Lei Arbitrarily Detained By CCP In Despicable Hostage Diplomacy
Arbitrary detention: The Arab women languishing behind bars