Vital signs monitoring for anesthesiologists, explained
What is a BIS (Bispectral index Monitoring)?
BIS response to suxamethonium paralysis in an awake volunteer
BIS monitor update
Can BIS prevent awareness under anaesthesia?
The Safe and Effective Use of BIS™, Pt.2: Three Phases
BIS monitor set up and instructions.
What is BIS? - SOZO® Digital Health Platform
Using EEG Wave Forms +Pharmacokinetic Modeling During Induction & Maintenance (BIS monitor specific)
Bispectral Index™ Byte 5: BIS™ Monitoring System Benefits: Avoiding Overdose
Consciousness Monitoring During Anaesthesia (BIS) Technology
Paralytic Monitoring and Care - Paralytics (Part 3) - ICU Drips
The Secrets of BIS Finally Revealed! Find out how EEG monitors detect awareness.
Waking up during surgery? The truth about general anesthesia & how awareness is prevented
Introducing the IEI BIS-W19C-ULT4 Medical Panel PC
RIK CARETTE: Intra-operatively: the smartpilot/nsri, ani, qcon/qnox, bis or entropy (NAVAt III 2015)
Basic to reading a patient's Monitor 🎞️ (ICCU)
Philips IntelliVue Patient Monitoring - #1 - Introduction to Basic Operation
Train of Four - Peripheral Nerve Stimulation