The Significance of the Firstborn!
ヘブライ語 - 長子 - 聖書ヘブライ語 - レッスン 84
Bible Secrets! | Redeeming the First Born Son
Why did Paul call Jesus, "the FIRSTBORN of Creation?"
Does The Hebrew Word For 'Firstborn' Specifically Refer To Males Only? - Bible Q&A # 125
FAQ – Why is the blessing of the firstborn important?
Vayechi_ & He Lived
Why Does the Bible Call Jesus "Firstborn"? Does It Mean He's Not God?
The Firstborn of Creation • Firstborn Ep. 10
Death of the Firstborn: The Final Plague | Biblical Series: Exodus
The First Born: Biblical Hebrew Beyond Time & Space ✨
Who is the "Firstborn" of God? What does the Bible say?
Jesus “The firstborn from the dead.” (Col. 1:18) | 13 mins. | Pr. Michael Pedrin
Hebrew Basics | The Firstborn and the 144K!!
How and why we redeem the firstborn.
What Jesus Meant by "The Last Will Be First"
Seizing vs. Receiving Power • Firstborn Ep. 2
The Assembly of the Firstborn (Ones): Hebrews 12:23 - with Dr. Amy Peeler
Why is Isarel called the firstborn son of God? What does it mean? (Exodus 4:22) Sam Shamoun
Brit Hadasha: The Firstborn Son (Exodus 4:22) - 119 Ministries