Drunk Worms, Butt Breathing and More Hilarious Studies That Won Ig Nobel Prize In 2024
10 of the Most Ridiculous Ig Nobel Prizes Ever Awarded
25 Most Hilarious Ig Nobel Prizes Ever Awarded
The Ig Nobel Prize | Sci Guys Podcast #33
What are Ig Nobel Prizes, and should Scientists care?
Ig Nobel Physics Prizes (2011-2020)
Higher Learning : Ig Nobel Prize Winners
Listener Mail: Kangaroo Court, The Blue Zone Conspiracy | STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW
ABC News 24 - Ig Nobel prize winner Raston cracks global anaesthetic
Marc Abrahams: A science award that makes you laugh, then think
Improbable Research & the Ig Nobel Prizes
From Urination to Georgia Tech’s First Ig Nobel Prize - Lecture Review
Ig Nobel prize 2023: Science that makes you laugh (and think) | New Scientist Weekly podcast 215
"スワンソングをドーモと歌う"– an Ig Nobel Prize favorite moment
What Is the Nobel Prize? | National Geographic
Qi - Ig Noble Prize
Beards and Face-Punching: 2021 Ig Informal Lectures
Improbable Research and the Ig Nobel Prizes
Ig Nobel Prize: Listen at an alligator inhaling helium in the name of science
Ig Nobel Prize with Leslie Lamport (2013 Turing Award)