What does TTYL mean in informal texting?
TTYL: What does it mean to "say" it? The Meaning of TTYL
What does TTYL mean in digital communication?
Whatsapp/Facebook Acronyms| TTYL, SOS...
17 Useful English Abbreviations for SMS/Texting/Chatting (OMG, BRB, LMAO, TTYL, IMO, AFIAK etc.)
What does TTYL mean?
WhatsApp Abbreviations explained: from LOL to TTYL । #whatsappsecrets
What LMAO Means + OMG, ROFL, BRB, TTYL, SMH, LOL, IDC... and other texting slang
What does Ttyl mean wrong answers only
WTH do these mean! |WTF, OMG, LOL, GTG, TTYL|
What does "idk idc ttyl" mean? 😂