Oxidation of Alcohols
Sodium chloride, Sodium chlorite, and Sodium Hypochlorite
Ruthenium Chemistry: RuO4 from NaOCl
Is NaOCl Acidic or Basic [Acids and Bases]
Organic Chemistry Story Problem 2 | NaOCl Oxidation | Reaction with Cl2 | Lucas Reagent |
Epoxidation of Alkenes - DMDO, mCPBA, & NaOCl (IOC 26)
Oxidation and Reduction: Oxidation of diphenylmethanol with hypochlorous acid
How to find the molecular mass of NaClO (Sodium Hypochlorite)
Organic Chemistry - Reactions of Alcohols - Oxidation and Reduction
Oxidation of methyl ketone with sodium hypochlorite
The active ingredient in commercial bleach is sodium hypochlorde, `NaOCl`, which can be determined
Sodium hypochlorite ( NaOCl, the oxidant in household bleach) in aqueous CH_3
Annihilare® (Chemistry of HOCl vs. NaOCl-)
Malpractice1 (sodium hypochorite and light)
NaOCl is used as a bleaching agent and sterilising agent. It can be synthesised by the action of:
Sodium hypochlorite and it's mechanism
AQA Further Reactions of Chlorine
Physical Chemistry: Titration - Percentage of NaOCl and CaOCl2 in a given sample
Sodium hypochlorite it's preparation, properties, uses & harmful effects.
Kinetic Studies in the Oxidation of 2-aryl-3-Hydroxychromenones Using Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)