Introductory Stata 17: Mean Comparison (ttest)
Difference in Differences Estimation in Stata
Categorical Variables in Stata
Stata - How to use tsset
Stata commands and options for performing subgroup analyses (Sept 2021)
Summary Statistics in Stata: Analyze Data Like a Pro
Using Stata to Inspect a Dataset
Stata collapse observations
Stata repeating number sequences
Simple linear regression in Stata®
STATA: generate random variables
New in Stata 16: Working with multiple datasets using frames
(12) STATA Summarize Detail (analysis)(stata)(summarize)(help)(detail)
How to estimate weekly, monthly and yearly beta in stata | Statsby
How to quickly label variables in Stata #excel #mexcel #tutorial #education #data #statcat #statcom
Time Series Data in Stata
Introduction to Stata - summarize command
New in Stata 16: Meta-analysis in Stata
Standardizing a Variable in Stata
Stata: Descriptive Statistics (Low)