In Georgia, How Do Courts Determine The Primary Caregiver? Do Mothers Usually Get Primary Care?
How [The Court Will Determine Who The Primary Caregiver Will Be] -
Can a Father Get Primary Custody of His Children in a Divorce?
What is the Difference Between Primary Custody and Sole Custody?
The Three Reasons People Lose Custody of Their Children in Family Court
#TheSingaporeLawyer Episode 26: How does the Court decide on which parent to give Care & Control to?
How Do You Help When The Primary Caregiver Is Elderly - Dan Segal
Five Factors That Determine The Outcome Of Divorce For Children
In The Know - "Best interest of the children" and what that means for custody and access.
During Divorce: Providing for Your Children
Child Custody: Who Gets Primary Physical Custody?
Ask an expert: Parenting when divorced |
In A Divorce, Who Gets The Dog? -
Campbell Burton & McMullan - Myths about Parenting in a Divorce
Primary Caregivers In Custody Trials!
Who Gets The Dog In A Divorce? -
Laywer Explains: How Is Child Custody Determined After Divorce?
How Is Divorce Settlement Calculated? -
What Is a Wife Entitled to in a Divorce Settlement? by Lacey Richmond
Child Custody, Child Maintenance, and Divorce - Live questions answered by Adv. Muhammad Abduroaf