Kinesin protein walking on microtubule
Motor Protein Driven Transport of Microtubules
Protein functions in the human body
GSK HPL Deep Science: Muscle Protein Synthesis
Protein Structure and Folding
A Day in the Life of a Motor Protein
Hemoglobin and Myoglobin
Protein Metabolism Overview, Animation
Bottle Water Under Microscope (w/ extra protein)
How Much Protein You Really Need (According to Science)
What is a Protein? (from PDB-101)
Functions Of Protein In The Body - How The Body Uses Proteins
What Happens To Your Body on High Protein Diet
What Does a Protein REALLY look like? (in 3D!)
Protein Synthesis (Updated)
Protein Structure
New Study Shows Effects of Eating 100g Protein in a SINGLE MEAL
Ribosomes make Protein
The Molecules of Life: Why Lettuce has LOTS of Protein and Carbs