Latin and Greek Root Words - Language Skills for Kids!
What does the Latin root word "ad-" (Prefix) mean ?
English vocabulary: The Latin word root 'mittere'
English vocabulary: The Latin word root 'port'
Root Word of the Week: tele
What does the Latin root word "Ag-" (Prefix) mean?
English vocabulary: The Latin word root FINIS
What does the Latin root word "Argent-" mean?
What does the Latin root word "Ced-" means ?
Dict = Say - Latin and Greek Root Words
Logue = Word, Study, or Reason - Latin and Greek Root Words
What does the Latin root words "Cit-", "Clar-", "Claus-", "Clino-", "Contra-", "Co-, Com-" mean?
Bio = Life - Latin and Greek Root Words
What Does The Root Word Cide Mean?
Jur, Jus, Jud = Law - Latin and Greek Root Words
English Vocabulary The Latin word root 'fer'
Scrib and Script = Write - Latin and Greek Root Words
what's Greek/Latin root word nom/nomy/nomi mean@AllenglishlessonwithDrMKDasGUR
Vis and Vid = See - Latin and Greek Root Words
Graph = Write - Latin and Greek Root Words