Grammar: Giving emphasis in English - BBC English Masterclass
What does Emphasize mean?
Emphasize Meaning
EMPHASIZE - Meaning and Pronunciation
How to Add Emphasis in English - Improve Your Spoken English
Emphasis in English - how do we emphasize in English?
Emphasize | meaning of Emphasize
English Tafsir-ul Qur'an by Shaykh Shafiur Rahman, surah An- Nisa.
What does emphasize mean? What are the synonyms and antonyms?
What is the Meaning of Emphasize | Emphasize Meaning with Example
"emphasize" and "emphasis" meanings (with example sentences)
Conversational English - How to emphasize your point
Re-emphasize | meaning of Re-emphasize
Learn Inversion in 5 Minutes (Advanced English Grammar)
English Nouns and Verbs: EMPHASIZE, EMPHASIS, & ANALYZE, ANALYSIS | English Vocabulary Lesson
De-emphasize Meaning
Emphasize meaning over price - by Derek Sivers
Emphasize meaning in English | Emphasize meaning in Hindi | What is emphasize? Pronunciation