Box Fold
Fold/thrust belt: Internal structure, scale, and erosion
box fold
Preparing an analogue experiment box (Structural Geology)
Folding of a single, thick silicone layer (Structural Geology, analogue modelling)
Fan Fold, Box Fold, Disharmonic Fold.
ANU RSES - Contractional Sandbox experiment
Structural Tectonics in a Box
The Basics of Geology: Folding (Part 1)
Folding of two silicone layers of different thickness (Structural Geology, analogue modelling)
Fold (geology)
Interpreting polyphase folding
Folding of three silicone layers of the same thickness (Structural Geology, analogue modelling)
Fold Classification in English | Geology | Structural Geology |
"The Magic Toilet Paper" - Folding in anisotropic media (Structural geology analogue models)
Sandbox 2011 - 11B
Drag Folds - The Basics of Geology
extensional sandbox experiment
PBE Podcast: Ptygmatic folding
What is Strike and Dip and How is it Indicated on a Map?