Fan Fold, Box Fold, Disharmonic Fold.
Fold : Types and Characteristics | Geomorphology | Dr. Krishnanand
Syn-Sedimentary Deformation of a Fan (Structural Geology analogue modeling)
process of folding in geology
Folding of a single, thick silicone layer (Structural Geology, analogue modelling)
Folding | Types of Folding | Characteristics of Folding | Formation of Mountains
Folding of two silicone layers of different thickness (Structural Geology, analogue modelling)
"The Magic Toilet Paper" - Folding in anisotropic media (Structural geology analogue models)
Folds, Its Parts and Classifications | Geology for Beginners | Rana Faizan
IITK NPTEL Structural Geology_Lecture 21: Folds & Folding II [Prof. Santanu Misra]
Folding | Folds
Geology 15 (Faults, Folds, and Joints)
Fold (geology)
Folds and Folding: Classification
Duplexes, flat ramp structures and imbricate fans
Kings Canyon Harmonic Folding
FOLDS -Geography
Folds and Folding: Classification: Lecture-24
FOLDS & Joints| Structural Geology