What is Creditable Prescription Drug Coverage?
What is creditable coverage?
Are plans and issuers required to issue certificates of creditable coverage to dependents of covered
What is HIPAA's portability of health coverage?
How does crediting for prior coverage work under HIPAA?
When must group health plans and issuers provide the certificates of creditable coverage?
MarketPoint Minute - Loss of Creditable Coverage
Under COBRA, what benefits must be covered?
What Is COBRA for Health Insurance
What Key Dates in March Does HR Need to Know?
22 Group Health Insurance
How does a person become eligible for COBRA continuation coverage?
Retiring Past 65? Learn How Your Medicare Enrollment is Different!
Post Termination Employer Issues and Responsibilities subscription
Intertwined Guidelines: Untangling Your Enrollment Notice Requirement
HIPAA Awareness Training For Mental Health Demo, HIPAA Training Video
Enrollment Notices: Mastering the Method for Optimal Delivery
ACA Repeal and Replace or Remodel?