How the NRA has blocked gun control in the U.S | Fast Company
The Rhetoric of the NRA and Wealth Inequality
The Must Read: NRA Protection Racket in Congress
Why restrict 'good' gun owners, resident asks President Obama at town hall
Mass Shooting Survivors vs NRA Members | Middle Ground
Pro-Gun vs Anti-Gun | Middle Ground
NRA Conference by Andrew Callaghan | Asmongold Reacts
Matthew Lacombe: The NRA, Gun Owners and Politics
How US Gun Laws Affect the Rest of America
Question and Answer Session for Weaponized Transparency talk
Gun Violence: A Public Health Crisis | The Forum at HSPH
The US and Their Guns: An American Story
Can Gun Laws Reduce Mass Shootings? w/ Stanford Law Prof, John Donohue
Firearms, Culture & Suicide Risk: What is Safety?
Sustainability Modeling Lecture 6: Population-Nature Interactions
Sustainability Modeling Spring 2013 Lecture 6: Modeling Population-Nature Interactions
NRA Community Meeting
Chapter 10 - American Government 3e - OpenStax (Audiobook)
Manufacturing landscape assessment for maternal health supplies in sub-Saharan Africa
Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way