How do I purchase an EC2 Reserved Instance that reserves capacity in a specific Availability Zone?
Amazon/AWS EC2 Pricing Simply Explained | On-Demand, Spot, Reserved, Savings Plans
Introduction to Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances
What is an Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance?
RDS Follow Along - Reserved Instances
✋STANDARD, CONVERTIBLE, REGIONAL, ZONAL Reservation | A Comparison of EC2 Reserved Instances
Save When You Reserve
AWS Tutorials - 17 - AWS Pricing | Reserve Instance | Spot Instance | Saving Plan | Dedicated Host
How do I purchase an Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance?
Reserved Instance and Capacity Reservations
AWS re:Invent 2017: Why Regional Reserved Instances Are a Game Changer for Netflix (ARC312)
The Science of Choosing EC2 Reserved Instances (ENT221) | AWS re:Invent 2013
Introduction of Alibaba Cloud ECS Reserved Instance
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (ISM208) The Science of Saving with AWS Reserved Instances
EC2 Pricing Models - Reserved
Savings Plans and Reserved Instances - What purchase strategy is right for you? | AWS Events
How can I modify the terms of my EC2 Reserved Instance?
AWS re:Invent 2016: Saving at Scale with Reserved Instances (ENT307)
CLF-C01 — RI Marketplace
Como comprar Instâncias Reservadas no console de gerenciamento da AWS