How do you see the role of patient advocacy groups? How could they be more effective?
The benefits of patient advocacy groups
Patient Advocates Can Save Your Money And Your Life (HBO)
Nurses Defined: Patient Advocacy
Biogen’s Patient Advocacy Program
The Power of Patient Advocacy
Patient Advocacy: What It Is, Why It's Important, and How It Helps Clinicians Provide Better Care
Patient Advocacy: One Nurse Speaks Up
Live IC/BPS, Pelvic Pain, PFD, Hunner's Support
The Role of the Patient Advocate
The importance of patient advocacy
Teaching Patient Advocacy
Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advocacy groups can help patients, physicians connect
Advocating for Patients
Patient Advocacy: Under the Influence of Big Pharma?
Office of Patient Advocacy - Johnnie Taylor
Can You Make a Career Out of Being a Patient Advocate?
Patient Advocate: This Could Be You!
What Would a Patient Advocate Do?
What is advocacy?