Sleep Rebels: Unlocking the Secrets of Short Sleeper Syndrome
Famous "short sleepers"
Why some people can thrive on less sleep – BBC REEL
Scientist Explains How Some People Need Only 4 Hours of Sleep | WIRED
Lessons from people who hardly need any sleep
The Secrets of short sleepers
Short Sleeper Syndrome (sss) : Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis
『unknown』 sleep deprived streaming, probably short a show
Short Sleepers, very, very, few actually are...
Unlock the Secrets of Short Sleepers: How Do They Thrive on Less Sleep?
Are You a Short Sleeper? | Joy Lab Podcast [ep. 163]
Study: Researchers identify gene in people who need less sleep
How to Sleep Less and Get More Out of Your Day- Thomas DeLauer
Short Sleepers--The Few and The Rest of Us
Are You A Short Sleeper?
【ショートスリーパーは少ない】睡眠研究の世界的権威・柳沢正史「オレキシンの発見」と睡眠の機能/睡眠研究とナルコレプシー創薬/睡眠と食欲・肥満の関係/良い眠りのコツ【EXTREME SCIENCE】
Short sleeper syndrome enables people to thrive with less sleep