attach - 6 verbs which are synonym of attach (sentence examples)
assign - 5 verbs which are synonym of assign (sentence examples)
conquer - 9 verbs which are synonym of conquer (sentence examples)
10 Common Synonyms class - 01
Top 100 antonyms and synonyms####
method - 16 nouns synonym to method (sentence examples)
conduct - 5 nouns synonym of conduct (sentence examples)
Control Meaning
Superb Synonyms you Can Use for Everyday Words
management - 11 nouns synonym of management (sentence examples)
administer - 16 verbs which are synonym to administer (sentence examples)
disruptive - 7 adjectives which are synonym to disruptive (sentence examples)
lackey - 10 nouns synonym of lackey (sentence examples)
abdicate - 6 verbs which are synonym to abdicate (sentence examples)
leadership - 9 nouns which are synonym to leadership (sentence examples)
direction - 12 nouns which are synonym of direction (sentence examples)
50 synonyms words in english || Common synonyms words || What is synonyms || Useful synonyms
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