The Meaning of “General Welfare” in the Constitution: American Fundamentals, Part 22
The general Welfare Clause: An Introduction
What the General Welfare Clause ACTUALLY Meant | Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
Constitution Lecture 7: General Welfare
Constitution Lecture 7: General Welfare (HD version)
What is the Role of Government?
How Government Works: Welfare
How Governments Can Support Economic Growth
Government - Powers of Congress
Political Campaigns: Crash Course Government and Politics #39
Functions of Government
What is the Welfare State?
What are the First Principles of Government? (Complete Series)
LaRouchePAC Promote the General Welfare 2 1 2011
Applebee on the 'General Welfare' clause
What is Wrong With the Welfare State (Your Tax Dollars at Work) - Milton Friedman
Commerce and General Welfare Clauses #cosvoices #IN
Can We Reconcile the Constitution and Big Government?
American Government Principles of Government
Government Intervention- Micro Topic 2.8