End School Compulsory-Attendance Laws | Jacob G. Hornberger
Before the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws
Compulsory Attendance Laws
Parents charged with violating compulsory attendance law
Do Truancy Laws Apply To Private Schools? - CountyOffice.org
Compulsory Attendance Law
Compulsory School Attendance
Policy speech on compulsory school attendance law 
Compulsory Education Laws in the US Lisa Isom
Ley de asistencia obligatoria - The compulsory attendance law
School Attendance - It's the Law
Policy speech on the compulsory school attendance law feedback 
Compulsory Attendance Law- Dana Atkins Paul
Absence, leave, compulsory school (skolplikt) – what rules apply in school? English version
MDE reminds parents of Compulsory School Attendance Law
Compulsory School Attendance / Truancy
The Compulsory Education Law
Compulsory Attendance | Missouri Homeschool Law
FAQ - School attendance and admission registers
School Attendance and Truancy in PA, What the Law Says