Why is the number 8 considered lucky in Chinese culture? | Let's Chinese
Numbers of Bad Luck in Chinese Culture
lucky number, unlucky number, special number phrases meaning in Chinese 520,38|funny Chinese culture
Video#466 Did you know the number "4" is considered unlucky? #kathyhealthtips #chineseculture
Why The Number 4 is Unlucky in Chinese
【Number Culture 数字文化】Learn Chinese with Mei-------Lucky and Unlucky Numbers;Number Expression
Unlucky numbers in different culture #fact
What number is unlucky in China?🔢 #fyp #china #streetinterview #unlucky #number #chinaculture
The lucky & unlucky numbers for Chinese people.
Exploring Chinese Superstitions Unlucky
Lucky and unLucky Chinese Numbers - What Are the Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in China?
Why is red considered a lucky color in Chinese culture? | Let's Chinese
Chinese Beliefs About Colors
Is the number 4 considered unlucky in Japan? / Interesting Facts about Japan
世界中で不運だと考えられている 5 つの迷信