HOW TO TYPE HANKAKUKANA半角カナ on your iPhone - This will help you to sign up for internet banking!
Apple: How to type "Full Width" characters?
Full-width and half-width characters in Japanese ~Learn Japanese with Toby~ 全角と半角
Apple: How to type "Full Width" characters? (3 Solutions!!)
MySQL : Store full width and half width character in unique column of database
Unix: How can I convert full-width characters to half-width characters (and vice versa)?
Ubuntu: How can I easily type full width alphanumeric Unicode characters? (3 Solutions!!)
How to convert from full-width to half-width Japanese characters in Java?
Python How can I replace full width characters with half width characters
Why are there separate fixed-width characters for 0-9 in Japanese, compared to the typic... #shorts
Why are there separate fixed-width characters for 0-9 in Japanese, compared to the typical 0-9?
Sample Fullwidth
Apple: How can I type in half-width number in Japanese Kana keyboard?
Why are there separate fixed-width characters for - in Japanese, compared to the typical 0-9?
Full-Width Section Inside a Fixed-Width Container | CSS Tips
Unix & Linux: How to input half-width characters in Mozc (fcitx)?
C++ : determine whether a unicode character is fullwidth or halfwidth in C++
Halfwidth Meaning
C# : Convert fullwidth to halfwidth