Toekomende tyd (The future tense) | Afrikaans FAL
Afrikaans Future Tense | Toekomende Tyd | How to change into future tense in Afrikaans
Present, past & future tense in Afrikaans
The essential rules of Toekomende Tyd (Future Tense) for Afrikaans FAL, the easy way!
How tenses work in Afrikaans
Present past and future tense in Afrikaans
Toekomende tyd future tense Grade 3
7a Future Tense Prepositions & Place Afrikaans Lessons
Afrikaans Tenses & Time Words
How to use the Afrikaans "TO HAVE" in present tense
What are the three tenses in Afrikaans?
Teenwoordige tyd (The present tense) (explained in English) | Afrikaans FAL
Verlede tyd (The past tense) | Afrikaans FAL
The golden rule of the verb in Afrikaans
Afrikaans work week 7: Tenses - The exceptions
Learn Your First 40 Afrikaans VERBS
Dictation - Future GoingTo
Afrikaans lesson 1- tenses and passive form
Verlede tyd | more than one verb | Afrikaans FAL