On the Aramaic & Arabic Words for God
What's the name God in Arabic Bible - Speakers Corner @OneMessageFoundation
The Origin of the Quran’s Name for Jesus
Allah is in the Bible!
Why Do They Translate Names In The Bible?
Arabic Bible says "Allah created heavens and earth." Why?
The Lion's Share | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Interview
In The Arabic Bible, Jesus is Called Allah - Sam Shamoun
Why Allah is in Arabic Bible? Muslim vs Christian Prince.
Allah mentioned in the Bible? Muslim reads the Bible in Aramaic
Jay Smith Admits Name Allah is used in Arabic Bible
Can I Call Allah "Yahweh?" | Dr. Shabir Ally
How 13 Hebrew names from the Bible are pronounced #Hebrew #Bible
The Hebrew Name of God - Hebrew Word of the Day
Allah is the name of God Almighty ( Genesis 1:1 Arabic Bible )
names of God in the bible #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #Bible #supernatural #heaven #prayer
In the Arabic bible god,s name is Allah
Are Allah and the God of Christianity the Same? Nabeel Qureshi Answers