Green Party candidate Jill Stein on third party election influence
What the Green Party's Jill Stein believes in 2 minutes
What the Green Party byelection win means for federal election | Power & Politics
A quick introduction to the Green Party
How Green Party candidate Jill Stein could affect US election results | VOA News
Green Party Election Broadcast Spring 2024
Who Is The Green Party's Presidential Candidate?
Green Party Election Broadcast - General Election 2024
Elizabeth May: Getting to Know the Green Party
Could the Green Party upset the next election? | Power & Politics
General Election 2019: The Green Party in 60 seconds
2014 Election Broadcast - Europe For The Common Good
General Election: How will the Green Party fund its spending promises?
How the Green Party is shifting Canada's political landscape
Green Party launch election campaign
European elections: youth vote credited for rise of green parties
Why the Green Party Leader hasn’t campaigned outside of Toronto
Green Party Party Election Broadcast 2019
Johnson: Libertarian, Green Party draw from both sides