A Brief History of Climate Change Science
The History of Climate Change Negotiations in 83 seconds
Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age: Crash Course World History #206
The History of Climate Cycles (and the Woolly Rhino) Explained
The Little Ice Age: Climate Change - World History - Part 1 - Extra History
Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic
Has Global Warming Happened Before? Earth's History With Climate Change
What is Climate Change?: Crash Course Climate & Energy #1
What Antarctic ice cores tell us about climate change | Natural History Museum
Richard Alley - 4.6 Billion Years of Earth’s Climate History: The Role of CO2
What is Climate Change? Explore the Causes of Climate Change
Climate Science: Crash Course History of Science #45
What is Climate Change? Crash Course Geography #14
The carbon cycle is key to understanding climate change
How do we know climate change is caused by humans?
WATCH: 4 historical U.S. landmarks threatened by climate change
Climate Change and Global Warming, EXPLAINED | The Climate Explainers
Climate change: Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong
What is Climate Change? | Start Here
Is colonialism to blame for the dire situation we face with climate change? | Inside Story