Bio-Rad's Isotype Specific Secondary Antibodies
Episode #11 - How To Use Flow Cytometry Isotype Controls
isotype allotype idiotype
The Ken Lau Show Episode 3 - FMOs, Autofluorescence, and Isotype Controls
Choosing Proper Flow Cytometry Controls
Flow Cytometry Controls (Intro to Flow - Episode 5)
Episode #43 Should I use an Isotype control in my FMO?
Isotype, allotype and idiotype
Recombinant antibodies in flow cytometry – An expert in antibody development shares his opinion
Take Control of Your Flow Cytometry
Recombinant antibodies in flow cytometry – A transplant immunologist shares his opinion
Recombinant antibodies in flow cytometry – An NK cell expert shares his opinion
Benefits of recombinant antibody technology for flow cytometry
Why are recombinant antibodies important?
Antibody variation (Isotype, Allotype and Ideotypes)
Immunology: Isotypes of antibodies
Episode #41 - What are your favorite controls?
Recombinant antibodies – Reproducibility crisis
Recombinant antibodies in flow cytometry – The head of a flow cytometry core shares her opinion