You're supposed to plead NOT GUILTY (even if you did it).
What Happens After You Plead Not Guilty?
I'm Guilty... Does That Mean I Should Plead Guilty?
Why Innocent People Plead Guilty | Adnan Sultan | TEDxFurmanU
Guilty or Not Guilty: What You Should Know Before Entering A Plea | Andrew Williams Criminal Lawyer
Why do innocent people plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit?
3 Reasons to Defend Yourself in Court and Plead Not Guilty
When Should I Consider Pleading Guilty?
What Happens if I Plead Not Guilty in the Local Court
Plead guilty AND maintain your innocence? Yeah, we got that!
Part 7 : Take the Plea or Go to Trial? Pros and Cons of Going to Trial to Help You Decide
Pleading Guilty When You're Innocent: The Alford Plea
Your right to see the prosecutor's evidence before you plead guilty
Always Plead Not Guilty at First Hearing
My answer to "how do you defend someone you think is guilty"
Should I Plead Guilty at My First Court Date?
Why Do People Plead Guilty to a Crime They Did Not Commit?
Should you plead guilty?
Should I plead guilty or not guilty at the magistrates court? Guide to 1st court hearing and options