The State of Constitutional Reforms in Tanzania by Hussein Sengu
A Critical Study on Transparency Enhancement in Tanzania: A Focus on Local Government Administration
Promoting Participation and Accountability of Local Government Authorities in Tanzania.
Voices of Governance: Peter Kilima
Tanzania's Criminal Justice System: Government Institutes Reforms to Eliminate Challenges | NC Now
Regional Government in United Republic of Tanzania
Tanzania prepares for opposition protests advocating electoral reforms
OPA 103, KA4
Discussion on the Tanzania Budget with Straton Makundi, Managing Partner - Auditax International.
Tanzania : three bills adopted rebuked, opposition seek electoral reform
J. Nkyabonaki. Local Governance vs. Local Administration. / B. Mkunde. Gender and Vulnerability.
Environmental Protection: What Roles for Local Governments and Communities? (Swahili)
OPA 103
public service reforms
Strengthening women's rights in land governance: experiences from Tanzania
Wilbard Kombe: Institutional Reforms for Urban Land Use Planning and Management in Africa
Tanzania: Launch of the 2021 Resource Governance Index
Tanzania 2023/24 Budget Briefing Webinar
Improving local governance and service delivery - panel