Wikipedia Picture of the Day: 2021-02-01 - Robinson projection (Narrated by Brian)
How do Map Projections Work?
What is a Map Projection?
Wikipedia Picture of the Day: 2023-01-11 - Equirectangular projection (Narrated by Matthew)
Why all world maps are wrong
Map Projections Explained
The Man Behind Mercator Projections - Stuff of Genius
Natural Earth projection | Wikipedia audio article
Equal Earth projection | Wikipedia audio article
Map Projections
Space-oblique Mercator projection | Wikipedia audio article
Map Projections (and its imperfection) by Team HoneyBadger
Map Projections in 3 minutes
Map projections with distinctive shapes
Map | Wikipedia audio article
Geographic coordinate system | Wikipedia audio article
What are Map Projections | Projections | Cylindrical | Conic | Azimuthal
Cartography | Wikipedia audio article
Bottomley projection