Electoral vote vs. the popular vote: explained | Just The FAQs
Breaking down the difference between the popular vote and electoral vote
What's the Difference Between the Electoral and Popular Vote? | On the Campaign Trail: Race to 270
The National Popular Vote v. the Electoral College [POLICYbrief]
Does the popular vote matter with the electoral college and superdelegates? | IN 60 SECONDS
The Popular Vote v. Electoral Vote: Explaining the Electoral College
What matters most about the #Russian #election? Is #Putin still the popular vote? #battlegrounds
An Introduction to National Popular Vote
Unpacking the difference between the Electoral College and the popular vote | VOA News
Understanding The US Presidential Elections: Popular Vote Vs Electoral College | Crux+
VERIFY: Why the popular vote is important
What Is The Popular Vote? - CountyOffice.org
Does President Trump care about winning the popular vote?
A look at the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained - Christina Greer
The National Popular Vote Compact and the Electoral College: End Run or Dead End? Panel III
What's the Smallest Popular Vote Percentage to Win the Presidency?
Electing the President: The Popular Vote vs. The Electoral College
Breaking down the popular vote and electoral college
US election: What is the electoral college and how does it work?