The interface between primary and secondary care in the NHS
How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing?
Primary and Secondary Care interface: Quick Guide
Secondary Care Mental Health redesign update
Primary Care Networks Animation
Animation - Primary care and NHS 111
Opportunities to support secondary care in the NHS
The NHS Community Mental Health Transformation
What are 'integrated neighbourhood teams' in the NHS?
Rethinking Secondary Care Mental Health: Community Mental Health Services Webinar
Bringing together secondary and primary care to deliver clinical record standards
Introducing Record View to Secondary Care
The UK Healthcare System: Simply Explained
UK needs to improve interface of primary/secondary care for cancer
Integrated primary and secondary care for respiratory patients
Developing 'One NHS' in Dorset
Advantages of the NHS | Medical Appraisals
Stacey McIntosh - Primary Care Mental Health Team Lead
Healthcare data and uses explained- Dr Richard Wood (BNSSG CCG)
NHS Standard Contract - video 02