Spanish word for company la compañía
Spanish Word Of The Day: Negocio
Learn Spanish ► WORD OF THE DAY ► How to Say [business] in Spanish ► DAILY PHRASE 07/29/23 ► #XGEO
The Spanish word for factory is la fábrica
Spanish Word Order
Learn Spanish: Necesario | Spanish Word of the Day #182 [Spanish Lessons]
Maravilla | Spanish Word of the Day #47 [Spanish Lessons]
2024-Q4-AI-Business 5. Large Language models, Prompt Engineering
Spanish word for businessman is el hombre de negocios
Learn Spanish: Horario | Spanish Word of the Day #97 Spanish Lessons
SPANISH LESSON: DIME (common word)
New Spanish word learned 🔥
What's the Spanish word for "sky"?
When Hear A #Spanish #Word You Thought You Knew Then GoBack To Minding Your #Business #Espanol #lol
Learn Spanish: Peligroso | Spanish Word of the Day #164 [Spanish Lessons]
Learn Spanish: Enseguida | Spanish Word of the Day #166 [Spanish Lessons]
Learn Spanish: Vamos | Spanish Word of the Day #197 [Spanish Lessons]
Spanish word for office is la oficina
Spanish word for businesswoman is la mujer de negocios
The word “ya” in Spanish - Basic Grammar