TCP and UDP: Sockets
TCP connection walkthrough | Networking tutorial (13 of 13)
What is a Socket?
What is socket | How socket works | Types of Sockets | Socket Address | TCP Socket | UDP Socket
What is a TCP port and how is it used during connections?
Lec-90: Socket Programming in Computer Networks
Sockets in Operating System
Network Ports Explained
TCP/IP Protocol Explained | What Is TCP/IP Address? | TCP/IP Configuration Tutorial | Simplilearn
TCP Networking - Node.js Basics Part 12
2.7 Socket programming
TCP Socket Programming | Understanding of TCP Socket Programming | Socket Programming
TCP vs UDP Comparison
Introduction to TCP/IP and Sockets, part 1: Introducing the protocols and API
TCP Socket Programming(part 2)
TCP Socket State
Network Protocols | IP TCP HTTP | System Design Basics
RouterGods - TCP sockets theory
Socket Programming functions | TCP Socket Programing functions | UDP Socket Programing functions
Python Sockets Simply Explained