Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone Codes, ISO Country Codes
How do i dial a number in Italy? Italy country code and phone number example
Guess the Country Code! #1 - Easy (2 Letter)
List of postal codes in Italy
Italy Zip Codes Lookup
Calling Code From Different Countries
How to say zip code in Italian?
What is the 2 letter country code for Libya? Libyan Country Code Telephone Area Codes in Libya
Guam Country Code - Guam Country Dialer Code
Spain Country code | What is the 2 letter country code for Spain?
All country mobile code.
Luxembourg Dialing Code - Luxembourger Country Code - Telephone Area Codes in Luxembourg
Country Code of Luxembourg is 352
How do I call a Macau number? Macao Country Code - Telephone Area Codes in Macau
What is country code for Tunisia? Tunisia Dialing Code Tunisia Country Code
Which country has +35 code?
How do you write Estonia phone number? - Estonia Country Code - Estonian City Code
What is the calling code of Malta? Malta Quiz
What country is assigned with the country code +63?