pretend - 13 adjectives which are synonym of pretend (sentence examples)
PRETEND - Meaning and Pronunciation
Pretend - 😔😌बहाना करना ,ढोंग करना - Synonym- profess, pretend, feign, dissemble, affect -Vidhi Mam 💥
Pretend meaning in Hindi and simple English | Synonyms | Antonyms | English-english-hindi-Dictionary
Pretend (Hindi Meaning, Sentence, Synonyms, Antonyms)
How to pronounce pretend ?
english word meaning in hindi - meaning of pretend
i pretend as opposite wally wally is in love
A Word a Day #9 – Pretend
A Narcissist is Going to Pretend They are the Opposite of What They Are | #narcissist
#pov they pretend to be the "perfect" couple but the reality is total opposite...
DeRay Davis | Pretend I Lost My Dog #shorts
Pretend to be poor | DOGTER COFFEE Jack Russell Terrier #shorts
Pretend to be the opposite -Feminine 😂
Drama Anak Ezi Kebalikan | Ezi Pretend Play Did Opposite #shorts
How to pretend to be dead in mm2
When Girls Pretend Not to Care…
Let's Pretend (The Opposite is Happening)
I am a jock and pretend to be defenseless but I am the opposite