Word of the day - Vigorous
Vigorous - Meanings Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
Word of the Day - VIGOROUSLY. What does VIGOROUSLY mean?
vigorous - 16 adjectives synonym of vigorous (sentence examples)
Learn the word vigorous in two minutes- Improve your English vocabulary with real world examples
Vigorously English Vocabulary| Meaning| Synonyms| Sentences
Vigorous - Meaning Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
vigorous: Pronounce vigorous with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
Vigorous Meaning with Pronunciation||Googul Dictionary#vigorous
100 IMPORTANT Antonyms in English (B1 B2 and C1 Level Vocabulary)
Robust - Synonyms and Antonyms || English Vocabulary
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word. VIGOROUS | CLASS 14 | SSC GD 12th FEB 201...
Can a word be its own opposite? | CONTRONYMS
The opposite word of vigorous #reels
Synonyms For Tough, Strong, Hardy, sturdy, brawny, seasoned, vigorous, strapping
#word #meaning #vigorous #vigor #strengthen
interesting antonyms
Antonyms starting with letter "L"#youtubeshorts #shorts
5 Common Synonyms class - 18