Where are all the deer?! (Complete deer population & density info by US region & state)
The Deer Population In Each State
About High Deer Populations in NY and Pa
Are deer an issue in the city of Oneonta?
Assemblyman Joe Borelli Calls Attention To Increased Deer Population On Staten Island
The New Conservationists: Thanks to Conservation Efforts, Pandas, Wolves and Panthers Are Making ...
Staten Island’s Deer Dilemma Has Residents Butting Antlers
Officials on Long Island taking steps to tackle deer population problems
Top 10 Whitetail Deer Hunting States
Urban Deer Population Discussions
State launches major initiative to reduce deer population around Ithaca
Tega Cay officials say deer population is out of control
Plan To Cull The Deer Population Causes Controversy In N.J. Town
Looking for Ways to Control Deer Population
2021 Deer and Bear Hunting Regulation Changes
WildlifeNYC: Tips for Coexisting with White-tailed Deer
State adopts new deer hunting regulations, rejects antler point restrictions, one buck rule
Deer hunting season opens across New York
EHD Effects on Southern N.Y. White-tailed Deer