Continuous/Upward Motion or a non-shooting foul?
Foul called after coming to the floor - Common foul or shooting foul?
Shooting foul
Reach In Foul (Common Foul)
Play #5 - Common or Shooting Foul?
Act of shooting foul or not
Foul NOT in the act of shooting foul above 3 pt line foul prior to gatherupward NBA Video Rulebook
harmless non shooting foul on Okafor
Shooting foul or not
Non shooting foul on TLC, hard drive, forces foul
The No Contact Shooting Foul
Should the basket count on the foul? In the act of shooting or not?
Offensive Foul Or Shooting Form
Foul NOT in Act Shooting foul occurs before offense catches lob pass NBA Video Rulebook
Foul NOT in the act of shooting foul occurs BEFORE dribbler has gathered NBA Video Rulebook
You Make The Call - Shooting Foul - Continuous Motion
Foul or no foul #basketball