Here's what the feeling of falling in your sleep actually means
Ever feel like your falling with you're falling asleep?
Hypnic Jerks: Falling Sensation When Going to Sleep
Why You Twitch Before Falling Asleep 😟 (weird)
Why Do Your Muscles Jerk When You Fall Asleep? FACT or CAP! #shorts
Why Do We Jump in Our Sleep?
Do you hear your name while falling asleep or waking up?
Why You Feel Like You're Falling In Your Sleep
What Are Hypnic Jerks + Why Do They Happen? | Dr. Ian Smith
Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep?
Why Do We Twitch Before Falling Asleep? | Hypnic Jerks
The Fear Of Sleep - Somniphobia, Explained
2-Minute Neuroscience: Sleep Paralysis
Why You Feel Like You're Falling in Your Sleep – The Truth About Hypnic Jerks!
Sleep Paralysis Is Terrifying & Preventable
How to Survive Sleep Paralysis #shorts
What happens when we sleep?
What causes insomnia? - Dan Kwartler
How people sleep at school 😴📚 #shorts
What to do when you CAN'T sleep