Lowering Californias High School Dropout Rate
California sees high drop-out out rate among college students
Inside California Education: Education 101 - Dropout Rates
California's Graduation, Dropout Rates Puzzling
Dropout Rates Skyrocket Statewide
Inside California Education: From Dropout Factory to Success Story
Assemblymember Huber Calls for Action to Help Lower California's High School Dropout Rate
Reference Point - Solving the High School Dropout Rate Problem - Part 2
Assembly Select Committee on Lowering California's High School Dropout Rate 8/28/2009
Can We Trust Increases in High School Graduation Rates?
School drop out rates on the rise
How Saving Dropouts is Good for These California Communities
New study: High school dropouts cost economy billions
U.S. High School Dropout Rate Declining Slowly, Report Reveals
Assembly Select Committee on Lowering California's Highschool Dropout Rate 1/20/2010
What state has the highest high school dropout rate?
High school graduation rates across CA increased in 2016
Study: U.S. high school dropout rate declining
To Lower Dropout Rates, Finding Potential Where Support Systems Are Lacking