What mass of anhydrous compound remains? (Example)
8 11 Calculate mass of dehydrated salt - copper sulfate
Calculating the Formulas of Hydrated Salts
Finding the formula of hydrated copper II sulfate
Molar Mass / Molecular Weight of CuSO4 · 5H2O (Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate)
Lab Determination of hydrate in copper II sulfate
Find the Mass Remaining (Anhydrous) when a Hydrate is Heated
Finding the Empirical Formula of Hydrated Copper (II) Sulfate (Updated)
Heating copper sulfate hydrate
Emperical Formula of Hydrated Copper(II) Sulphate
Hydration number for copper (II) sulfate
Hydrated and anhydrous copper sulphate
3 11 Hydrates, mass of anhydrous salt, water
Finding the Empirical Formula of Hydrated Copper (II) Sulfate
Find formula for hydrate of copper(II) sulfate
Finding the formula of hydrated copper(II) sulfate
A 6.055 g sample of a hydrate of copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4 • xH2O, is heated until all the water …
Hydrate - Copper (II) Sulfate Lab - Procedure with Calcuations
Find the Percent by Mass of Water in a Hydrate