Skills Mismatch in the Philippines - Solving the issue
Is Unemployment Caused by a Skills Mismatch?
The "Skills Gap" Myth
Solving the Skills Mismatch
Global Skills Mismatch and Unemployment
What Is the Skills Gap and Why Does It Matter?
Skills Mismatch & How it is increasing Youth Unemployment in Kenya by Tabby
All about job & skill mismatch
Relevance of CV in Job and Scholarship Applications
The Problem of Skills Mismatch Between Industry and Academe
Mismatch between U.S. education and the job skills needed?
Aksyon TV5 report on jobs-skills mismatch
Skills mismatch in the workplace
Introduction to Valuation - Session 2.2 : Mismatch between Education & Job skills
How to determine & overcome Skills Mismatch in Your Organization?
Why There's a Skill Gap Mismatch Between Employers and Talent
Managing Skills Mismatch in the Digital Age